Racquets & Jackets T-Shirt Order Form Lake Norman Tennis Association DON’T GET LEFT OUT IN THE COLD — Grab your racquet & your jacket! Racquets & Jacket's T-shirt Order Form ATTENTION: If you have previously submitted an order and need to change it, please be sure you choose ‘Yes’ to ‘Is this a change order?’ and re-order for the entire team. Any change order received will cancel your previous order. The deadline to order shirts is NOVEMBER 1st. Orders submitted after the deadline will be subject to a limited supply. Is this a ‘CHANGE’ order? (Please read statement about regarding a changed order) * No Yes Team Name * Team Captain * Captain's Email Address * Division * AAAA A B C Enter the total # of shirts in each size you need. The total # of shirts across all sizes should equal the # of players on your team. Click here for size details. Women's Adult XSmall - Women's Small - Women's Medium - Women's Large - Women's XLarge - Women's XXLarge - Women's Enter the total # of shirts in each size you need. The total # of shirts across all sizes should equal the # of players on your team. Click here for size details. Men's Adult Small - Men's Medium - Men's Large - Men's XLarge - Men's XXLarge - Men's XXXLarge - Men's Number of t-shirts Ordered Comments Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Friendly reminder…this is a winter league. Be prepared to play in the cold! Familiarize yourself with the inclement weather & cold weather rules. Iris Ham USTA Adult & Growth League Coordinator adults@lnta.org Adult LeaguesUSTA Spring Adult Tennis USTA Mixed Doubles USTA Singles – Winter Flex & Summer Singles USTA Tri – Level USTA Southern Combo Doubles USTA 70 & Over Events Racquets & Jackets Doubles League Adult TennisBeginner’s Tennis ServeAces! (Mini – Tennis Bar League) RECENT NEWS Iris Ham – Celebrating 30 Years as USTA Adult League Coordinator Women’s 7.5 Sectional Champions! Combo State Championship Winners 4.5 Men Win State Championship Tri-Level “A” State Champions!