Inclement Weather

Lake Norman Tennis Association

Rained out? Need courts for your public facility makeup match?

Complete the form below. Makeup Match Procedures can be found in the Local Lake Norman Rules & Regulations posted on the Captain’s Corner.

*NOTE: If this is the first time the match was rained out, put the original match date. IMPORTANT – if your makeup gets rained out though, please put the makeup date as the original match date. Likewise, if your makeup match is rained out a 2nd time, put the most recent makeup date. Whenever a new court request is made, Parks moves that reservation in their system from the most recent date to the new date. If you have multiple rainouts of the same match, Parks needs the previous date in order to move the correct reservation.

Questions? Contact the appropriate LNTA Adult Coordinator below.

Iris Ham

Iris Ham

USTA Adult & Growth League Coordinator